Important Information

Your privacy is important, and we take it seriously. The following Privacy Policy is provided to inform you about our collection of your personal information, the purposes for which it is collected, and the parties with whom it may be shared. We may modify this policy from time to time. You are advised to consult this policy regularly to stay informed of any changes.

Your access to and continued use of this website indicates that you have read, understood, and agreed to all terms within this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, you should not continue to use this website.

Our website is not meant for individuals who are under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from such individuals.

We understand the importance of your privacy, and we are committed to ensuring the security of all personal data we collect.

This policy applies to information gathered through your use of either the desktop or mobile version of the website or any applications authored by us that permit access to the website content. It also applies to information gathered from any email correspondence you may have with the website administrators.

You may encounter links on our website that lead to third-party websites or services. If you visit those websites, they may also collect your personal information. These sites will have their own privacy policy, for which we are not responsible.

You may contact us through our contact form with any questions you may have regarding this policy.

Information we collect about you

Visitors to our website may interact with the website either as a member or as a browser. The following describes the types of information we collect in each case:

A. Members - Registration as a site member requires you to provide a username, password and email address, and during your subsequent interactions with the website, information such as preferences and interests is collected, as well as information voluntarily supplied when using the 'feedback' or 'contact' form, and all technical and usage data that is also collected from non-members (see 'Browsers' below).

B. Browsers - We collection technical information from you when you visit our website. This includes such information as your IP address, operating system, browser and version, time zone, and geographical location. We also collect information about your use of our website and services, such as your browsing habits.

Methods of collection

We use the following methods to collect data from and about you:

Passive Collection - Your data is automatically collected by means of cookies and other such technologies when you visit our website. The information gathered may include, but is not limited to, your IP address, operating system, browser type and version, geographic location and time zone, and the date and time of your visit.

Active Collection - We collect personal information from you that you disclose to us directly when you complete the registration form on the website, post materials to the website or communicate with us by any method.

How we use personal information

We process information for a variety of purposes, which include the following:

- To provide the website and to enable your interaction with its features

- To serve content and advertising that is relevant to your interests

- For the purposes of research and analysis necessary for the maintenance and improvement of the website

- To enable technical diagnostics to ensure proper functioning of the website

- To enable us to communicate with you in order to solve issues and to process your requests and feedback

- To be in compliance with applicable law and to cooperate with law enforcement and courts

Information we share

We may disclose your personal data to certain parties in the following situations and for the following purposes:

- Individuals and companies that provide services to ensure the operation of the website, and strictly for the provision of their services

- Individuals or companies who assume ownership of all or the majority of business assets for any reason, including, but not limited to, sale, merger, desolation, bankruptcy, restructuring, or transfer of assets for any reason

- Regulators, law enforcement or other such authorities to comply with the law or protect our rights or the rights of other parties

Your rights

Your rights regarding your personal information include the rights of access, correction, restriction, and erasure. In addition, you may request a copy or transfer of your information, object to processing, or withdraw your consent. Please contact us if you wish to exercise any of these rights.

Transfer of information to other countries

We may transfer, store, and process the information we collect about you to and in countries other than your own country. This may include transfer to and storage and processing by third-party service providers who may be outside of the European Economic Area. Your use of our website signifies your agreement with this.
